If lower back pain relief and shoulder pain treatment is what you are looking for then choose the right treatment.

Lower back discomfort is sure to trouble you at a certain point in your life, regardless of whether you carry heavy objects for work or just have a slipped disc from a bothersome athletic injury. Chronic overuse that results in arthritis or an abrupt injury are both potential causes of low back discomfort. This can then cause the discs in your spine that serve as shock absorbers to degrade. Lower back pain risk factors include: ● Age: People over the age of 30 have more backaches. Disks deteriorate with age. Stiffness and pain can occur as the discs weaken and wear down. ● Weight: People who are overweight/obese or carry excess weight are much more likely to suffer from back pain. Excess weight places strain on joints and discs. Overall health and lifestyle: Weaker abdominals are unable to support the spine, resulting in back sprains and strains. Those who smoke, drink excessively, or lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to...