How is acupuncture different from IMS/Dry Needling?

Acupuncture and IMS/Dry Needling treatment is a practice that has some similarities and both these give great relief from pain. They offer therapeutic benefits, but still, the method of both these differ from each other. Acupuncture has been used for a long time and it is regulated quite well. There are no official guidelines for dry needling and this is a recent process to treat pain. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese process that helps to relieve pain, stress, and discomfort. When the needles are inserted in this process, endorphins are released that helps in relieving symptoms like pain, nausea, menstrual cramps, knee pain, vomiting, etc. Aim of both the treatments: Acupuncture can be worked on various medical conditions and the main philosophy behind it is that when the treatment is executed, a healing energy is released, but when it comes to dry needling tightness and muscle pain is relieved. Practitioners think that when the needles are inserted in a pressure point or ...